machine cut building stones Kenya what you might not know about

what you might not know about machine cut building stones in Kenya is that Construction materials are materials that could be natural or artificial, that are used in the construction of structures and buildings.

Materials are usually chosen based on cost and availability.

Here is a list of common building materials in Kenya.

  1. Stonework

This is one of the most common building materials in Kenya. Hand-cut stones and machine-cut stones are the two types of building stones in Kenya. Hand-cut stones are mainly used for foundations and load-bearing walls because of their strength.

On the other hand, well-shaped machine-cut stones with a flat surface are ideal for those trying to save on the time and labor costs that go into dressing. These stones also save mortar during construction and plastering because there are no uneven gaps to fill.

  1. Sand when using it

Sand, intact particles of broken rock, is one of the most popular building materials in Kenya.

It is used with cement and lime is sometimes used as a mortar for masonry and plastering. The material is also used as part of the concrete mix.

The increasing global demand for sand is rapidly becoming an environmental threat as harvesters rip up beaches and rivers to find fertile crops.

  1. Baked bricks

They are made by compressing clay into blocks that are then air-dried. After drying, the bricks are burned or baked in a fire to harden them permanently.

Burnt brick is used in the construction of walls and arches as a substitute for stone.

The bricks are perforated for light and quick drying. The products are popular for their ability to resist fire

  1. Metal

Metal features are highlighted in the structural framework of the buildings. Although there are many metals that can be used in construction, steel is the most popular in the world.

Steel is an alloy of iron combined with a small percentage of carbon. It is strong, flexible and durable which makes it a desirable metal for structural construction.

It is used in the production of reinforced concrete, which is used to support structures in buildings, dams and bridges.

In addition to steel, metals such as aluminum and copper have remained popular for their resistance to rust and corrosion. Copper is used in electrical installations, interior design elements and water supply pipes.

Aluminum is used for gutters, roofing sheets and roofing nails, while other metals such as gold, silver and chrome are used for decoration because they are expensive, brittle and hard.

  1. Cement

Cement is usually on the list of the most popular building materials in the world. It is easily the most important building material with around 6 billion tons produced annually.

Masonry cement is used as an adhesive to hold stone, brick and blocks in place, as well as plaster.

The material is mixed with aggregates (sand and gravel) as a binder to make concrete that is used in the construction of floors, bridges, dams and roads in the country.

  1. Produced concrete

This is a composite building substance made by combining cement, gravel, sand and water in recommended proportions.

Cement, which acts as a binder, chemically reacts with water through a process called hydration – which binds the other components to a stone-like substance.

Concrete is strong, extremely durable and the largest building material in the world. It has high compressive strength but low tensile strength and therefore must be reinforced with steel rods or bars.

  1. Wood for food

This is one of the oldest building materials in the world – mainly used for cladding, flooring and general finishing. It is also used in the construction of roofs, ceilings, door and window frames and exterior fabrics.

In recent years, the use of wood as a building material has increased and many people have opted for an alternative. This is due to rising material costs amid the growing threat of deforestation.

  1. Glass in glass

Glass is an essential part of modern architecture. The product is important for buildings because it provides the ability to let light into the interior while sealing out the weather elements.

Although glass is extremely fragile, modern technology has made it possible to cover entire walls of a building with some form of frame support.

The use of glass decor is currently in trend as more and more designers are looking for new ways to decorate exterior doors.

  1. Used bamboo

This is one of the fastest growing plants in the world. It has a high strength-to-weight ratio, which is useful for structures. It also surpasses concrete, brick and wood in compressive strength and rivals steel in tensile strength.

Concrete tiles are a great alternative to clay tiles due to many similarities, the only difference being that they are lighter in weight and come in a wider range of colors.

Stone-clad tiles, a combination of natural stone and zinc-aluminum-coated steel, are also gaining in popularity due to their durability, ease of installation and maintenance, good looks, and light weight, reducing the amount of wood required for a loan.

However, they are more expensive than other roofs and are not suitable for collecting rainwater.

The demand for machine cut building and construction stone is very high in Nairobi and Kenya in general.

Currently, the wait for an order is 2 days on average because the queue can be quite long. The trucks in the video below wait for their chance to load. Most will get their chance the next day.

In Nairobi, the best machine cut stones are found in Juja near Thika area.

The most profitable way to acquire land is to approach a landlord and rent a few hectares of land.

Then you get a quarry.

The machine has diamond cutting teeth that can easily cut through stone. Watch the video below.

The machine is placed on the railway track. The railroad determines the size of the stone. The most common stone sizes are 200 mm thick, 150 mm thick and 100 mm thick. The prices of all stone sizes are the same.

machine-cut quarry in Juja, Kenya

the price

The price of the stone varies depending on the quality of the stone. When the quarry is new, ie. the stones in the upper layer of the quarry are soft; these cost about 15 shillings each.

Caterpillar bulldozers are used to lower the ground level so that the stone cutting machine can continue. Watch the video below.

My company has for years been leading the world market in both supply and export of building stone products to the entire countries around the globe and is hence kindly honored to have provided a link above the page for all dear customers and traders to join us in world trade of building stone and experience the best purchase ever in your life.

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